
1630 (showing much of region covered) 1795 (showing Germany and neighbouring countries)
As seen by Windows users
 Click on the image above for a larger version

Centennia, by Frank Reed, is a software product, covering 1,000 years of European history from 1,000 A.D. to the present century. It is available in a version for recent releases of Windows, and a version for recent Apple Macintoshes.

Software controls allow you to pan and zoom the map, and to step backwards and forwards a month at a time, or to set it to autoplay forwards or backwards slow or fast. There is accompanying text which you can switch on.

Centennia is available from http://www.clockwk.com for U.S. $89. That site also has more sample screens, and a free downloadable demo for Windows.

Centennia was first released, under the name "Millennium", late in 1990.