To buy downloadable scanned images from

Atlas to History of the Waterloo Campaign
by William Siborne

When you click one of the "Buy Now" buttons, you will be taken to a Paypal page so that you can confirm payment.

Once you have confirmed payment, you will be sent an email (to the address associated with your Paypal account) giving you a 17-character download code which will allow you to download the image you have paid for. You will also be transferred to the page where you can use this 17-character code.

If you have any problem with any of this, please email the webmaster.

If you do not use the download code within one week (seven days) of making your payment, the download will be disabled and your payment will have been wasted. If you use the code, but fail to download the complete image for any reason, you may try again by entering the code again. However, you are allowed only six attempts, and only within one day (24 hours) from the time of your first attempt. If you fail to download the image within six attempts or within one day, the download will be disabled and your payment will have been wasted.

If through some mistake or accident, you find that your payment has been wasted, email the webmaster and explain what has happened. He may refund your payment, or re-enable the download.

Click in the "Plate name" column to see an image. Click on a button in the "Buy" column to buy an image.

code no.Plate namecommentspixelskilobytesPriceBuy
0024:0001Part of Belgium6507x432720655$10
0024:0002Field of Quatre-Bras. 3 o'clock P.M.5881x405523780$10
0024:0003Field of Quatre-Bras. 9 o'clock P.M.3659x475813670$8
0024:0004Field of Ligny. ½ past 2 o'clock P.M.3709x298610743$8
0024:0005Field of Ligny. ½ past 8 o'clock P.M.3697x296612357$8
0024:0006Field of Waterloo. ¼ past 11 o'clock A.M.5159x365921645$10
0024:0007Field of Waterloo. ¼ before 8 o'clock P.M.5281x375922119$10
0024:0008Field of Waterloo. 5 min. past 8 o'clock P.M.5727x492132135$12
0024:0009Field of Wavre. 4 o'clock P.M. 18th June5794x490131251$12
0024:0010Field of Wavre. 4 o'clock A.M. 19th June5808x493432233$12
0024:0011Part of France5895x403524691$10

Main catalogue of downloadable scanned images.