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Atlas do Brazil
by Barão Homem de Mello e Francisco Homem de Mello

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Click in the "Plate name" column to see an image. Click on a button in the "Buy" column to buy an image.

code no.Plate namecommentspixelskilobytesPriceBuy
0049:0001Title Page 15756x720120400$6
0049:0002Title Page 25790x706819336$6
0049:0003Title Page 35334x690117349$6
0049:0004The Area of Brazil and its Provinces compared with the Countries of the World5734x757929335$12
0049:0005The Lengths of the Rivers of Brazil compared with the Principal Rivers of the World 7974x629233808$12
0049:0006The heights of the highest peaks of Brazil6100x813436101$12
0049:0007Blank map for cartographical exercises8209x544331615$12
0049:0008The Discovery of Brazil and of Trinidade Island5979x816736566$12
0049:0009Relief Map of Brazil6089x816336778$12
0049:0010Overview Geological Map of Brazil6045x811234750$12
0049:0011Physical Map of Southern America .. showing the relief and drainage systems of Brazil8301x541036040$12
0049:0012South America5351x858934667$12
0049:0013Map of the United States of Brazil 6422x786840251$12
0049:0014The Acre Territory7847x621029615$12
0049:0015Amazonas Province. The Frontier betwen Brazil and Colombia. Plan of Manáos.8559x545936445$12
0049:0016Pará Province. Obidos, Alemquer, Santarem. Hydrographical Map of the coastal Salt works.5446x853434721$12
0049:0017Maranhão Province. The Island of S. Luiz do Maranhão.6189x809030755$12
0049:0018Piauhy Province. The Delta of the Parnahyba.6234x811232621$12
0049:0019Ceará Province6156x814630928$12
0049:0020Rio Grande do Norte Province. Natal.8128x634732023$12
0049:0021Parahyba Province. Estuary of the Parahyba of the North.8038x634630717$12
0049:0022Pernambuco Province. Recife. Recife Olinda. Fernando de Noronha Island.8510x543434468$12
0049:0023Alagôas Province. Maceió. The port of Maceió.8065x634731811$12
0049:0024Sergipe Province. The Esuary of the S. Francisco River.6322x807930643$12
0049:0025Bahia Province. Bahia. The Cataract of Paulo Affonso.5401x849035810$12
0049:0026Espirito Santo Province. Longitudinal Profile of the River Doce.6112x806831126$12
0049:0027Rio de Janeiro Province. Plan of Petropolis City. Longitudinal Profile of the Parahyba River.8384x544336861$12
0049:0028The Federal District8082x640132641$12
0049:0029Map of the bay of Rio de Janeiro.Showing the Rio de Janeiro meridian6323x805732311$12
0049:0030São Paulo Province8426x546037649$12
0049:0031Paraná Province. Plan of Curitiba. Paranaguá and Antonina bays.8146x637434776$12
0049:0032Santa Catharina Province. Florianopolis.8064x639235116$12
0049:0033Rio Grande do Sul Province. Bar of Rio Grande do Sul.8393x545134777$12
0049:0034Minas Geraes Province. Bello Horizonte.8326x542637564$12
0049:0035Goyaz Province. The Federal District.6279x816732168$12
0049:0036Matto Grosso Province. The Frontier with Bolivia. Longitudinal Profile between Cuyabá and Lagoinha.5423x854634915$12

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