To buy downloadable scanned images from

Atlas Antiquus
by Heinrich Kiepert

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Click in the "Plate name" column to see an image. Click on a button in the "Buy" column to buy an image.

code no.Plate namecommentspixelskilobytesPriceBuy
0026:0000title page3585x551011617$2
0026:0001The World as known in ancient times. The World as described by Ptolemy.6926x545135139$5
0026:0002The Persian and Macedonian Empires6868x552632688$5
0026:0003Egypt. Alexandria. Phoenicia and Palestine. Tribe of Israel. Tyre. Jerusalem6835x558433352$5
0026:0004Nearer Asia6935x553436945$5
0026:0005Greece with the Islands and Shores of the Aegean Sea. Troy.6876x545138763$5
0026:0006Greece. Athens. The neighbourhood of Athens.5623x692339708$5
0026:0007Italy. The eleven Regions of Italy.5411x690136314$5
0026:0008Italy, central and southern with Sicily. Old Latium. The neighbourhood of Naples. Syracuse.5541x688136537$5
0026:0009The City of Rome. The Roman Forum. The Roman Forum and the Fora of the Caesars, with the Capitol. The City of Rome at the time of the Republic.Stained. An unstained version, from a later edition, is listed below.5531x685134418$5
0026:0010Iberia and North Africa. Carthage. Carthaginian Territories.6901x552638872$5
0026:0011Gaul, Britain and Germany. Dacia and Moesia.7118x550940971$5
0026:0012The Roman Empire. The Empire under Diocletian and Theodosius.6810x540135234$5
0026:0013The City of Rome. The Roman Forum. The Roman Forum and the Fora of the Caesars, with the Capitol. The City of Rome at the time of the Republic.From the 1882 edition.5601x689035652$5

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