To buy downloadable scanned images from

Philips' Handy Atlas of the Counties of Ireland
by John Bartholemew

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Click in the "Plate name" column to see an image. Click on a button in the "Buy" column to buy an image.

code no.Plate namecommentspixelskilobytesPriceBuy
0021:0001Ireland showing railways5540x704031660$3
0021:0002County of Antrim(pen lines)5267x687832235$2
0021:0003County of Armagh5400x692232663$3
0021:0004County of Carlow5280x695023641$3
0021:0005County of Cavan6792x538324799$3
0021:0006County of Clare7133x537525951$3
0021:0007County of Cork7110x542527995$3
0021:0008County of Donegal6866x530025781$3
0021:0009County of Down5290x689025437$3
0021:0010County of Dublin5320x690025276$3
0021:0011County of Fermanagh6766x538324781$3
0021:0012County of Galway6918x537225706$3
0021:0013County of Kerry5520x694026433$3
0021:0014County of Kildare5400x692026370$3
0021:0015County of Kilkenny5440x695025667$3
0021:0016Kings CountyOffaly6866x535023989$3
0021:0017County of Leitrim5290x690024535$3
0021:0018County of Limerick6866x540025196$3
0021:0019County of Londonderry5340x687024088$3
0021:0020County of Longford5320x687023411$3
0021:0021County of Louth5300x688023667$3
0021:0022County of Mayo6759x536725625$3
0021:0023County of Meath6817x538426779$3
0021:0024County of Monaghan5360x689023818$3
0021:0025Queens CountyLaois, Leix, Laoighis6766x544225760$3
0021:0026County of Roscommon5310x692023492$3
0021:0027County of Sligo6800x530125590$3
0021:0028County of Tipperary5400x695027959$3
0021:0029County of Tyrone6800x532625692$3
0021:0030County of Waterford6833x532624477$3
0021:0031County of West Meath6800x533524770$3
0021:0032County of Wexford5510x684127070$3
0021:0033County of Wicklow5450x695026076$3

Main catalogue of downloadable scanned images.