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The Map of Europe by Treaty
by E. Hertslet

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code no.Plate namecommentspixelskilobytesPriceBuy
0002:0000Title page1572x28663098$6
0002:0001A map of the Eastern Boundary of France to illustrate Article III in the Treaty of Paris 30th May 18143228x25246471$6
0002:0002France in 1814, showing the Comitat Venaissin, Savoy, Geneva, etc.2462x32906250$6
0002:0003Map of the Boundary between Silesia and Poland to illustrate the Treaty between Prussia and Russia 18352990x23595560$6
0002:0004Map to illustrate portions of Articles XCIII and XCIV of the Vienna Congress Treaty of 9th June 1815 [Dalmatia, etc.]1572x16342139$6
0002:0005Europe according to the Vienna Congress treaty, 9th June, 18153145x23597497$6
0002:0006A map of the Eastern Boundary of France to illustrate the Second Peace of Paris, 20th Nov. 1815 [northern section]northern section3186x25246385$6
0002:0007A map of the Eastern Boundary of France to illustrate the Second Peace of Paris, 20th Nov. 1815 [southern section]2483x32285980$6
0002:0008A map to illustrate such portions of the treaties of 3rd June 1814 & 14th April 1816 as relate to Tyrol & Vorarlberg2379x13452394$6
0002:0009A map to illustrate the Boundary Convention between France and Prussia 23rd October 18292152x13762364$6
0002:0010Map shewing the Boundary between Greece & Turkey 21 July, 1832 [western section]western section2462x15523114$6
0002:0011Map shewing the Boundary between Greece & Turkey 21 July, 1832 [eastern section]2514x14483090$6
0002:0012Map of Luxembourg, annexed to the Treaties relative to the Separation of Belgium from the Netherlands, signed at London, April 19th 18393166x23595968$6
0002:0013Map of Limbourg annexed to the Treaties signed at London April 19th 1839 Relative to the Netherlands and Belgium2172x27935047$6
0002:0014A Map to Illustrate the Treaties between Lucca and Tuscany &c of the 20th November 1844, 4th October 1847, 9th December 18471562x24002882$6
0002:0015A Map to illustrate the Treaties between France & Spain 12th Nov. 1660, 2nd Dec. 1856, 14th April 1862, 26th May 1866 [inset shows Llivia]3134x23286146$6
0002:0016Map shewing the Boundary between Russia & Turkey on the Bessarabian Frontier as fixed by the Treaties of 30th March 1856, 6th Jany 1857, & 19th June 18572266x29385187$6
0002:0017Map of the Delta of the Danube reduced from the map laid before parliament in 18573155x24626020$6
0002:0018Topographical map of the Turco-Russian Frontier in Bessarabia. Kichineff, 11th April, 1857. [northern section]1562x27213374$6
0002:0019Topographical map of the Turco-Russian Frontier in Bessarabia. Kichineff, 11th April, 1857. [southern section]3414x27217848$6
0002:0020Map shewing the Boundary between Russia and Turkey, as fixed by the Treaties of 1829, 1856 and 1857. Bessarabian Frontier1748x25553616$6
0002:0021Map of the Turco-Russian Limits in Asia, annexed to the Final Act of the Commissioners of the 6 powers, Signed at Constantinople 5th December, 18573031x23285146$6
0002:0022Annex 1 (in conformity with Article XLV). (The Flag.) [of the Militias of Moldavia and Wallachia]869x703472$1
0002:0023Map of Montenegro. As laid down .. in 1860, in conformity with the Procès-Verbal signed at Constantinople 8th November, 18583300x26286595$6
0002:0024Map of Savoy ... Presented to Parliament in March 18603248x27417633$6
0002:0025A Map to illustrate the Treaties of 7th November 1817 and 2nd February 1861. [Monaco]1314x11481222$6
0002:0026Plan of the Valée des Dappes. [Vaud, Jura, Doubs]2472x15002975$6
0002:0027Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg, 1864, 1865, 1866.3041x23487346$6
0002:0028A Map to illustrate the Treaty between Austria and Italy, 3rd October 1866. Also the Treaty of Zurich, 10th November 18591324x14901599$6
0002:0029A Map of the Franco-German Boundary .. Treaty of the 26th February 1871, as altered by the Treaty of 10th May 18712286x24104856$6
0002:0030Europe, 18753083x23387269$6

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